Day Three 10 May 2023
Advanced Portfolio and Risk Management for Energy Market Summit
European energy companies are being tasked to meet the demands of a more
environmentally conscious market whilst providing competitive prices in an
economy that is unpredictable and fluctuates on a daily basis. As a result, these additional challenges have emphasized the importance of effective Portfolio and Risk Management for Energy Markets. This forum will provide insight into effective price modelling, hydropower and gas portfolio management, balancing and ancillary services, and much more.
Key topics
Statistical trading models for energy futures
The future of blockchain technology in the energy sector
Hedging of non-market rational customer portfolio
’Value at risk’ models for energy commodity portfolios:
Modeling volatility and correlation in energy markets
Portfolio management and trading help risk
Flexibility potential of household batteries for balancing: Is it a
future business opportunity for Large retail suppliers? -
How to measure and model risk in energy portfolios
Energy asset monetization – releasing value to fund the energy transition
Measure and manage portfolio exposure to climate RisK
Modelling joint wind and price risk with copulas.
Factor models for electricity spot markets.
European electricity trading in a time of change
Forecasting prices of electricity futures